Andrei Toom's articles in Russian: Mathematics

1. A. Toom. The Complexity of a Scheme of Functional Elements
Realizing the Multiplication of Integers.
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1963, v. 150, n. 3 , pp. 496-498.

2. A. Toom. Complexity of Realization of Binary Functions with a Small Number of "Subfunctions". Problemy Kibernetiki.

3. V. I Krinsky, I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro and A. Toom.
On a simplified description of games of asymptotically-optimal automata. Included in the volume of M. L. Tzetlin's works.

4. A. Toom. A Family of Uniform Nets of Formal Neurons. Doklady Akademii Nauk, Mathematics, 1968, vol. 183, n. 1, pp. 49-52.

5. M. L. Tzetlin. Research into Automata Theory and Modelling of Biological Systems. Moscow, Nauka, 1969.
Edited by M. Berkinblit and A. Toom.

6. A. Toom. Non-Ergodicity in Uniform Random Media. Probabilistic Methods of Investigation, issue 41.
Ed. by A. Kolmogorov, Moscow Univ. Press, 1972, pp. 34-42.

7. A. Toom. On Invariant measures in Nonergodic Random Media. Probabilistic Methods of Investigation, issue 41.
Ed. by A. Kolmogorov, Moscow Univ. Press, 1972, pp. 43-51.

8. A. Toom. Non-ergodic uniform random media.
Ph. D. thesis defended at the mech-math department of Moscow University in 1972.

9. A. Toom. Ways of Decision Making in a Class of Games. Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika, 1973, n.3, pp. 16-21.

10. A. Toom. Monotonic binary tessellation avtomata.
Problems of Information Transmission, 1976, v. XII, n. 1, pp. 48-54.

11. A. Toom and L. Mityushin. Two results on undecidability for one-dimensional tessellation automata.
Problems of Information Transmission, 1976, v. XII, n. 2, pp. 69-75.

12. A. Toom. Monotonic Evolutions in Real Spaces. Locally Interacting Systems and Their Application in Biology.
Ed. by R. Dobrushin, V. Kryukov and A. Toom. Puschino, 1977. (An English translation published in 1978.)

13. A. Toom. Stable and Attractive Trajectories in Multicomponent Systems. Multicomponent Random Systems.
Ed. by R. Dobrushin and Ya. Sinai. Moscow, Nauka, 1978, pp. 288-308. (An English translation published in 1980.)

14. A. Toom. Stability in Lattice Systems with Local Prohibitions.
Interaction Markov Processes and Their Application to Biology. Ed. by R. Dobrushin, V. Kryukov and A. Toom. Puschino, 1979.

15. A. Toom. Lattice Systems with Local Prohibitions. Abstract. Fifth Internat. Symp. on Inform. Theory, Moscow-Tbilisi, 1979.

16. A. Toom. Estimations for Measures which describe the Behavior of Random Systems with Local Intraction.
Interactive Markov Processes and their Application to the Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems.
Ed. by R. Dobrushin, V. Kryukov and A. Toom. Puschino, 1982.

17. A. Toom. Operators with Local Interaction: Stability in Presence of Noise. Abstract.
Fourth Intern. Vilnius Conf. on Prob. Theory and Math. Statistics, 1985.

18. A. Toom. In the 60-s.... Roland Lvovich Dobrushin. To the 70-th birthday. Ed. by Nikita Vvedenskaya.
Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2000, pp. 71-73.

19. A. Toom. I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro in 1963-1973. Passion for applied mathematics. You can also find it here.