Publications by topic:
(Go to chronologically-ordered list.)
DNS Security
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Security
Routing (BGP) Security
Internet Policy
Secure Network Measurement
Data Privacy
Standards and Working Groups
PhD Thesis
Past research:
Optical CDMA
Circuit Design
- Low-Resource Eclipse Attacks on Ethereum’s Peer-to-Peer Network
Yuval Marcus, Ethan Heilman, Sharon Goldberg. March 1, 2018.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report 2018/236
project page
ars technica
Bitcoin Magazine
- TumbleBit: An Untrusted Bitcoin-Compatible Anonymous Payment Hub
Ethan Heilman, Leen Alshenibr, Foteini Baldimtsi, Alessandra Scafuro, Sharon Goldberg
NDSS'17, San Diego, CA. Feb 2017.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report 2016/575 (June 2016, revised August 2016.)
GitHub NTumbleBit Project
Project page
Media: Bitcoin Magazine
Coin Journal
- Blindly Signed Contracts: Anonymous On-Blockchain and Off-Blockchain Bitcoin Transactions
Ethan Heilman, Foteini Baldimtsi, Sharon Goldberg
3rd Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain Research at FC'16, Barbados, February 2016.
Cryptology ePrint Report 2016/056
- Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network
Ethan Heilman, Alison Kendler, Aviv Zohar, Sharon Goldberg.
24th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC., August 2015.
Cryptology ePrint Report 2015/263
project page
Named a Top 10 cryptocurrency research paper of 2015.
Domain Name System (DNS) Security:
- Can NSEC5 be Practical for DNSSEC Deployments?
Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Duane Wessels, Shumon Huque, Jan Včelák, Moni Naor, Leonid Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg,
ePrint (Cryptology) Report (2017/099). (February, 2017.)
project page
talk at RWC'17
- NSEC5: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration
Sharon Goldberg, Moni Naor, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Leonid Reyzin, Sachin Vasant, Asaf Ziv.
NDSS'15, San Deigo, CA. Feb 2015.
short overview
ePrint (Cryptology) report
IETF internet draft
project page
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Security: (NTP Project page)
- The Security of NTP's Datagram Protocol
Aanchal Malhotra, Haydn Kennedy, Mayank Varia, Matthew Van Gundy, Jonathan Gardner and Sharon Goldberg
Financial Cryptography (FC'17) Conference. Malta. April 2017.
Disclosed: June 2016. Posted: October 2016.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report (2016/055)
The Register,
- Attacking NTP's Authenticated Broadcast Mode
Aanchal Malhotra and Sharon Goldberg
SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR), April 2016.
Disclosed: October 2015. Posted: January 2016.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report (2016/055)
project page
- Attacking the Network Time Protocol
Aanchal Malhotra, Isaac E. Cohen, Erik Brakke and Sharon Goldberg
NDSS'16, San Diego, CA. Feb 2016.
Disclosed: August 2015. Posted: October 2015.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report (2015/1020)
project page
CS Monitor,
ars technica,
Interdomain Routing Security (BGP Security):
- MaxLength Considered Harmful to the RPKI
Yossi Gilad, Omar Sagga, and Sharon Goldberg. October 2016.
ACM CoNEXT 2017, Seoul/Incheon, South Korea. December 2017.
ePrint (Cryptology) Report 2016/1015
IETF internet draft
- Rethinking Security for Internet Routing
Robert Lychev, Michael Schapira, Sharon Goldberg
The Communications of the ACM. (October 2016). paper
- Why Is It Taking So Long to Secure Internet Routing?
Sharon Goldberg. The Communications of the ACM (ACM Queue). October 2014.
slides from 3-hr tutorial (2016)
- From the Consent of the Routed: Improving the Transparency of the RPKI
Ethan Heilman, Danny Cooper, Leonid Reyzin and Sharon Goldberg.
SIGCOMM'14, Chicago, IL. August 2014.
full technical report
RPKI project page
- On the Risk of Misbehaving RPKI Authorities
Danny Cooper, Ethan Heilman, Kyle Brogle, Leonid Reyzin and Sharon Goldberg.
HotNets-XII, College Park, MD. November 2013.
full technical report
short HotNets paper
RPKI project page
Awarded a 2014 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize.
- RPKI vs ROVER: Comparing the Risks of BGP Security Solutions
Aanchal Malhotra and Sharon Goldberg.
Poster at SIGCOMM'14, Chicago, IL. August 2014.
report (ePrint)
RPKI project page
- Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? BGP Security in Partial Deployment
Robert Lychev, Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira.
SIGCOMM'13, Hong Kong, China. August 2013.
SIGCOMM version
full version
Stanford Net Seminar video (YouTube)
Robert's SIGCOMM talk (mp4)
slides 11/2013
Awarded a 2014 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize.
- See also these companion papers:
A survey of interdomain routing policies
Phillipa Gill, Michael Schapira, Sharon Goldberg.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. Jan. 2014.
Also presented at NANOG'56, Dallas, Texas. October 2012.
paper Phillipa's NANOG slides
- Network Destabilizing Attacks.
Robert Lychev, Sharon Goldberg and Michael Schapira.
PODC'12. Madeira, Portugal. July 2012.
brief announcement
- The Diffusion of Networking Technologies
Sharon Goldberg and Zhenming Liu.
SODA'13. New York, NY. January 2013.
blog post
video of Harvard CRCS seminar
- Sequential Aggregate Signatures with Lazy Verification from Trapdoor Permutations
Kyle Brogle, Sharon Goldberg, and Leonid Reyzin.
AISACRYPT 2012. Beijing, China. December 2012.
Extended version to appear in Information and Computation.
project page
- Let the Market Drive Deployment: A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP Security
Phillipa Gill, Michael Schapira, and Sharon Goldberg.
SIGCOMM'11, Toronto, ON. August 2011.
Also presented at NANOG 52. Denver, CO. June 2011.
SIGCOMM version
full version
NANOG slides
NANOG video
MSR colloquium video
project page
- See also this companion paper:
Modeling on Quicksand: Dealing with the Scarcity of Ground Truth in Interdomain Routing Data.
Phillipa Gill, Michael Schapira, and Sharon Goldberg.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. Jan. 2012. article
- How Secure are Secure Interdomain Routing Protocols?
Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira, Pete Hummon, and Jennifer Rexford.
SIGCOMM'10, New Delhi, India. August 2010.
full paper
earlier tech report (superseded)
short SIGCOMM'10 paper
- Also presented at NANOG 49. San Francisco, CA. June 2010.
NANOG video
- A revised version of the paper, superseding the earlier SIGCOMM'10 version, is scheduled to appear in Communications Networks.
- Rationality and Traffic Attraction: Incentives for honestly announcing paths in BGP.
Sharon Goldberg, Shai Halevi, Aaron Jaggard, Vijay Ramachandran, and Rebecca Wright.
SIGCOMM'08, Seattle, WA, August 2008.
proceedings version
full version
seminar slides
SIGCOMM slides
SIGCOMM video (starting at 53:41)
Internet Policy:
- Surveillance without Borders: The Traffic Shaping Loophole and Why It Matters
Sharon Goldberg. Report, The Century Foundation, June 2017.
- Loopholes for Circumventing the Constitution: Warrantless Bulk Surveillance on Americans by Collecting Network Traffic Abroad.
Axel Arnbak and Sharon Goldberg.
Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review (MTTLR). Vol 21(2), May 2015.
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC'14), Washington, DC. September 2014.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (HotPETS'14), Amsterdam, NL, July 2014.
paper (SSRN)
CBS News story + NSA response
our reaction to the NSA response
slides from TPRC'42
Other media:
Boston Globe,
NPR (WBUR Boston),
Bruce Schneier's blog,
Politico morning cybersecurity briefing,,
Network World,
the college fix.
Implications of Security Enhancements and Interventions for Core Internet Infrastructure.
Sharon Goldberg and Stephanie Forrest.
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC'14), Washington, DC. September 2014.
paper (SSRN)
Secure Network Measurement:
Fine-Grained Latency and Loss Measurements in the Presence of Reordering.
Myungjin Lee, Sharon Goldberg, Ramana Rao Kompella, and George Varghese.
SIGMETRICS 2011, San Jose, CA, June 2011.
- This work is also related to measurement of Internet path quality in the presence
of adversaries. See these slides for an overview. slides
- A revised version of this paper is scheduled to appear in the Transactions on Networking, as
FineComb: Measuring Microscopic Latency and Loss in the Presence of Reordering.
Path-Quality Monitoring in the Presence of Adversaries.
Sharon Goldberg, David Xiao, Eran Tromer, Boaz Barak and Jennifer Rexford.
Annapolis, MA, June 2008.
full version (superseded)
- A substantial revision of portions of this paper and our EUROCRYPT'08 paper, which also includes several new results, is accepted to the Transactions on Networking as:
Path-Quality Monitoring in the Presence of Adversaries: The Secure Sketch Protocols.
ToN paper appendix
An earlier (superseded) version of this paper and our EUROCRYPT'08 is available as a
Princeton Tech Report from May 2007.
- Protocols and Lower Bounds for Failure Localization in the Internet.
Boaz Barak, Sharon Goldberg, and David Xiao.
Istanbul, Turkey, April 2008.
full version
- Security Vulnerabilities and Solutions for Packet Sampling.
Sharon Goldberg and Jennifer Rexford.
Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, May 2007.
- This is a security analysis of the 2005 version of the IETF PSAMP Charter that has since been modified according to our comments.
I am listed as a contributor to the new version of the PSAMP charter.
Data privacy:
- Calibrating Data to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis, A Platform for Differentially-Private Analysis of Weighted Datasets
Davide Proserpio, Sharon Goldberg and Frank McSherry.
Very Large Data Bases (VLDB '14), Hangzhou, China, September 2014.
full version VLDB version
download the code
- An earlier version appeared as:
A Workflow for Differentially-Private Graph Synthesis
Davide Proserpio, Sharon Goldberg and Frank McSherry.
SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN'12). Helsinki, Finland. August 2012.
WOSN version
Standards and Working Groups:
- draft-goldbe-vrf: Verifiable Random Functions
Sharon Goldberg, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Jan Včelák (with Leonid Reyzin)
IETF Internet Draft. First submitted to IETF'98, Chicago, March 2016.
IETF draft.
work-in-progress version.
project page
- draft-vcelak-nsec5: NSEC5, DNSSEC Authenticated Denial of Existence
Jan Včelák and Sharon Goldberg (with contributors Moni Naor, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Leonid Reyzin, Ondřej Surý, Sachin Vasant and Asaf Ziv).
IETF Internet Draft. First submitted to IETF'92, Dallas, TX. March 2015.
IETF draft.
work-in-progress version.
project page
- draft-yossigi-rpkimaxlen: The Use of Maxlength in the RPKI
Yossi Gilad, Sharon Goldberg and K. Sriram.
IETF Internet Draft. First submitted for IETF'98, Chicago, IL. March 2017.
IETF internet draft
- draft-aanchal4-ntp-mac: Message Authentication Codes for the Network Time Protocol
Aanchal Malhotra and Sharon Goldberg.
IETF Internet Draft. First submitted to IETF'96, Berlin. July 2016.
IETF draft.
- draft-stenn-ntp-not-you-refid: Network Time Protocol Not You REFID
Sharon Goldberg and Harlan Stenn.
IETF Internet Draft. First submitted to IETF'96, Berlin. July 2016.
IETF draft.
- Cybersecurity Ideas Lab Report: Interdisciplinary Pathways towards a More Secure Internet.
Cybersecurity recommendations for the White House. February 2014.
Working group report
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CSRIC Working Group 6: Secure BGP Deployment.
I am a member of the FCC CSRIC Working Group 6, that will recommend the framework for an industry agreement regarding the adoption of secure routing procedures and protocols based on existing work in industry and research.
Final report, March 2013.
- BGPSEC (informal) design team.
I was a member of the informal BGPSEC design team, which is working towards standardizing a new secure routing protocol for the Internet.
Randy Bush's overview presentation from NANOG'52
BGPSEC Internet Draft (M. Lepinski, editor)
PhD Thesis:
- Towards Securing Interdomain Routing in the Internet. Princeton University, September 2009.
This thesis presents results from the papers "Rationality and Traffic Attraction", "Path-Quality Monitoring in the Presence of Adversaries" and "Protocols and Lower Bounds for Failure Localization in the Internet".
- The introduction is a less technical overview of the results in these papers, and discusses approaches for tackling problems in network security.
intro only
- Each chapter provides a more complete exposition of the results in these three papers.
full thesis
- Slides from my "Final Public Oral" (thesis defense) and job talk.
Optical CDMA
short overview talk
- Towards a Cryptanalysis of Spectral-Phase Encoded Optical CDMA with Phase-Scrambling.
Sharon Goldberg, Ronald Menendez, and Paul Prucnal.
Proc. OSA Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC'07)
, Anaheim, CA, March 2007.
full paper
OFC paper
OFC slides
- This work was also presented
at IPAM Securing Cyberspace: Workshop on Hardware for Cryptography, Los Angeles, CA, December 2006.
IPAM talk
- On the teletraffic capacity of optical CDMA.
Sharon Goldberg, Paul Prucnal.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, July 2007.
Source matched spreading codes for optical CDMA
Sharon Goldberg, Varghese Baby, Ting Wang, Paul R. Prucnal.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, May 2007.
Analog Circuit Design
CMOS Limiting Optical Preamplifiers Using Dynamic Biasing for Wide Dynamic Range.
Sharon Goldberg, Stephen Lui, Sean Nicolson, Khoman Phang.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (
ISCAS'04), Vancouver, BC, May 2004.
B.A.Sc. thesis