CS 112
Spring 2025

Using the virtual desktop

If you are unable to install any of the software needed for the labs and problem sets, you can run a virtual desktop or virtual machine that has been configured to include all of the necessary software.

Software needed for the virtual desktop

Using the virtual desktop

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the VPN

  2. Start the VMWare Horizon Client (searching for it as needed).

  3. If you see a cloud icon labeled casitvdi1.bu.edu, double-click on it.

    If you do not see a cloud icon labeled casitvdi1.bu.edu, click the + symbol near the top of the window. When asked to enter the name of the Connection Server, type in casitvdi1.bu.edu and click Connect.

  4. Enter your BU email address in the form username@bu.edu and your Kerberos password, and click Login.

  5. Double-click on the icon labeled CS. This should launch the virtual desktop containing all of the software needed for the course.


Do not store any files directly on the virtual desktop. Instead, you should store files that you want to retain in one of two places:

  • your own machine, if you gave VMWare Horizon Client access to your local files when you installed it

  • the Z: drive that is available from within the virtual desktop.