CS 112
Spring 2025

Collaboration and Academic Misconduct

Collaboration Policy

You are encouraged to collaborate with one another in studying the lecture materials and preparing for quizzes and exams.

Problem sets will include two types of problems:

For both types of problems, you may discuss ideas and approaches with others (provided that you acknowledge this in your solution), but such discussions should be kept at a high level, and should not involve actual details of the code or of other types of answers. You must complete the actual solution on your own (or, in the case of a pair-optional problem, with your partner if you choose to use one).

Rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems:

Academic Misconduct

We will assume that you understand the University’s Academic Conduct Code.

You should also carefully review the CS department’s page on academic integrity.

Prohibited behaviors include:

Incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Academic Conduct Committee (ACC). The ACC may suspend or expel students found guilty of misconduct. At a minimum, students who engage in misconduct will have their final grade reduced by one letter grade (e.g., from a B to a C).