Other Policies
Late problem sets
There will be up to nine problem sets throughout the semester. Each Problem set will be divided into two parts, Part I and Part II. Both parts of the problem set will have the same stated due date, but separate submission portals via Gradescope. We will not accept any submissions for Part I of the problem set beyond the stated deadline. However, with the exception of the final problem set, which both parts must be submitted by the stated deadline, the submission portal for Part II submissions will remain open for a 24-hour grace period after the posted deadline. There will be NO deduction for Part-II submissions within the grace period, however, students who submit six out of the first eight problem sets by the deadline will receive a 5% extra credit towards their overall Part II problem set score.
Plan your time carefully, and don’t wait until the last minute so you will have ample time to ask questions and obtain assistance from the course staff.
Pre-lecture preparation
To help you prepare for lecture, you will typically be required to complete an assigned reading and/or watch one or two short videos. You may also be required to complete an online quiz (pre or post) lecture to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Your work on these tasks will not typically be graded for correctness, but we reserve the right to do so as your work should demonstrate that you have adequately prepared for lecture and understand the material. These tasks must be submitted by the specified date and time. Late work will not be accepted.
Post-lecture review
To help you assess your understanding of the material presented in lecture, there will be a weekly on-line post-lecture assignment that will be posted at the end-of-day Thursday and will be due by the end-of-day the following Monday. There will not be any late submissions for these assessments and these assessments will be graded on participation and correctness.
The participation portion of your grade will be based on your completion of online questions connected to the lectures, and on your consistent participation in lectures and labs.
Computing the final grade
- Weekly problem sets (20%)
- Exams: midterm exams (35%) and a final exam (40%)
- Participation and in-lecture quizzes: (5%)
To pass the course, you must have a passing average across the three exams.
Individual exams, and the final grades are not curved. The performance of the class as a whole is taken into account when assigning letter grades, but this can only improve your grade, not harm it.
Extensions and makeup exams will only be given in documented cases of serious illness or other emergencies.
You cannot redo or complete extra work to improve your grade.
Incompletes will not be given except in extraordinary circumstances.
Please consult course syllabus for more detaled information.