In August of 2008 A. Toom participated in the XII-th EBP,
12-esima Escola Brasileira de Probabilidade, 12-th Brazilian School of Probability,
where A. Toom's former Ph. D. students
Alex Dias Ramos and Calitéia Santana de Sousa presented posters:

Alex's poster.

Calitéia's poster.

André presented a talk and an open problem.

André's talk.

André's open problem.

Left to right:
André, Caliteia, Alex at the entrance of a museum with a landscape of Ouro Preto.
The same with Nikita Ratanov and Chang Dorea.
With Eulalia Vares.
With Pablo Ferrari.
With Anatoly Yambartsev.
Photo by Nikita Ratanov.
André, Caliteia, Alex, Nikita, Anatoly.
The place where André Toom really becomes a leader is cocktail party.
Photo by Nikita Ratanov.

When the school was over, André Toom went to Rio de Janeiro to meet with his friends.

André Toom with his friends: Alexandre Simas and Andréa Rocha at the entrance of "Museu da Presidência da Republica".
The same place. Left to right: Rodrigo Bernardo da Silva,
Alexandre Simas,
Andréa Rocha,
André Toom,
Wagner Barreto de Souza,
Amanda da Silva Lira.
Amanda da Silva Lira and André Toom as Brazilian aristocrats.
Alexandre Simas, André Toom and Wagner Barreto da Silva in that very park where generations of Brazilian statesmen played touch-last, hide-and-seek and other healthy games.