The lab sections will not be held this week
They run on Wednesdays, starting on Wednesday September 8.
Please try to attend the lab section which you are signed up for
as all of the secions are full.
The first homework is due on Thursday, September 9.
It will not be graded as it is background material to practice up on.
It will be quickly checked and you may have to repeat some of the problems
if they are not correct.
This homework will be the only assignemnt which not be input to gradescope,
rather it will be turned in in-class or via email (to the TF - ndang@bu.edu)
if you are taking the class remotely.
The final for CS 630 will be on Wednesday, December 15, 12:00pm-2:00pm
The midterm for CS 630 this semester will be on Thursday, October 28, in class.
ALso, there is no class lecture on on October 11 due to a holiday and a Mnday schedule that day.
The practice exam for the midterm can be found at:
practice midterm