CS-101 / Fall 1997


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Table of Contents

CS-101 / Fall 1997

Time Complexity of Algorithms: Lecture Overview

Time Complexity of Algorithms: Definition

Time Complexity of Algorithms: What do we use it for?

Algorithm Time Complexity: Evaluation

Algorithm for Computing the Average of a list

Time Complexity for Computing the Average of a list

Time Complexity for Computing the Average of a list

Algorithm for Testing if an Integer is Prime

Time Complexity for Testing if an Integer is Prime

Time Complexity for Testing if an Integer is Prime

Time Complexity for Multiplying two NxN Matrices

Time Complexity for Multiplying two NxN Matrices

Non-Recursive Sorting

Non-Recursive Algorithm for Sorting a list of numbers

Time Complexity for Non-recursive Sorting

Time Complexity for Non-recursive Sorting

Recursive Sorting

Algorithm for Recursive Sorting

Time Complexity for Recursive Sorting

Time Complexity for Recursive Sorting

Which Sorting Algorithm is better?

Time Complexity Classes: Constant Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Constant Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Sub-Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Sub-Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Super-Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Super-Linear Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Exponential Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Exponential Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: Exponential Complexity

Time Complexity Classes: How fast is Exponential Growth?

Example Problems with Exponential Complexity

Approximations to Problems with Exponential Complexity

Author: Azer Bestavros

Email: best@bu.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/best