CS-101 / Fall 1997


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Table of Contents

CS-101 / Fall 1997

From Algorithms to Programs: Lecture Overview

Problems, Algorithms & Programs

Software Development Process

Software in Perspective: System Analysis and Life Cycle

The System Life Cycle

Software Cost and Reliability

Software Engineering Challenges

What is an Algorithm?

The Makeup of an Algorithm

What Constitutes a “Basic” Algorithmic Step?

What Constitutes a “Basic” Algorithmic Step?

Visualizing Memory

Memory Assignment Operation

Memory Assignment Operation

Memory Assignment Operation

A Case Study: Find the Maximum in a List of #’s

A Case Study: Find the Maximum in a List of #’s

How do we express an algorithm?

Expressing an Algorithm Using Flowcharts

Expressing an Algorithm Using Flowcharts

Algorithm Design: The Divide And Conquer Concept

Algorithm Design--A Case Study: Sorting a list of numbers (1)

Algorithm Design--A Case Study: Sorting a list of numbers (2)

Algorithm Design--A Case Study: Sorting a list of numbers (3)

From an Algorithm to a Program

Programming and Programming Languages

The Languages of Computers

From High-level to Low-Level Programming Languages

Interpreters and Compilers

Author: Azer Bestavros

Email: best@bu.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/best