Boston University
College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science Department
111 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617)-353-8919 / Fax: 353-6457


CS 132 -- Geometrical Algorithms

Wayne Snyder

Associate Professor of Computer Science

MCS 147

Office Hours: the hour after lecture and by appointment

Cell: 617 966 1065 Email:



CS 111 is required, and knowledge equivalent to MA 123 is necessary. See me if you have concerns.


Basic concepts, data structures, and algorithms of linear algebra and geometric reasoning as applicable to computer science. This course will cover the basic topics of linear algebra and geometric reasoning as necessary for courses such as Graphics, Video Computing, Audio Computing, and Artificial Intelligence. The first part of the course will be a fairly standard introduction to linear algebra; the second part will cover some fundamental problems, data structures, and algorithms in geometric reasoning. Examples of the latter topics: queries and sampling, triangulation, curve fitting, regressions and geometrical interpretation of machine learning problems, etc.


Course Materials and Handouts

The following (online, free) text will be used throughout the course:

Interactive Linear Algebra

I may also distribute additional materials online on the course website:

CS 132


Tests and Grading

Grades (tenative)

These percentages are tentative and may be changed at my discretion at any time. Class participation, coming to office hours and saying something intelligent, emails with interesting comments on the course material, etc. will be considered at the end of the term when I decide on the curve for the final grades. I am a sucker for students who show a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the course material, and this may bump you up to the next highest grade if you are close to the borderline! However,"genuine" is the important word here, and I have been teaching for two decades and I'm hard to fool.....


Policy on Academic Conduct

Collaboration Policy

Collaboration policy for this class is as follows.