Empathic Painting
Boston University and University of Bath
Maria Shugrina, Margrit Betke, John Collomosse
Empathic Painting is a video-based human-computer interface that
allows an artist to use facial expressions to affect the output of a
rendering algorithm. With the interface, the artist converts an input
photograph into a painting with stroke patterns and colors that are
selected based on the artist's facial expression. The interface uses
a suite of Computer Vision algorithms capable of recognizing facial
expressions through the detection of "facial action units." Detection
results are mapped to vectors within a continuous 2D space
representing emotional state. State vectors are then used to compute
style parameters of a fast segmentation-based painterly rendering
algorithm. The result is a digital canvas capable of smoothly varying
its painterly style at approximately 4 frames per second, providing a
novel user interactive experience using only commodity hardware.
Copyright, Shugrina, Betke, Collomosse, 2006.