Part I due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024.
Part II due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 13, 2024.
In your work on this assignment, make sure to abide by the collaboration policies of the course.
If you have questions while working on this assignment, please
come to office hours, post them on Piazza, or email
Make sure to submit your work on Gradescope, following the procedures found at the end of Part I and Part II.
Create a subfolder called ps4
within your
folder, and put all of the files for this assignment in that
5 points; individual-only
In lecture, we will be focusing briefly on what happens at the hardware level when we use a computer. This week’s reading considers one man’s vision of the future of computation hardware and, more generally, of humanity itself!
Begin by reading a profile of inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil from The Guardian.
Next, create the necessary file for your response by taking the following steps:
Access the template that we have created by clicking on this link and signing into your Google account as needed.
When asked, click on the Make a copy button, which will save a copy of the template file to your Google Drive.
Select File->Rename, and change the name of the file to
In your copy of ps4pr0
, write a response that addresses
the following prompt:
Kurzweil views technology as a fundamentally positive force in human development. Is his vision of the future one that you would look forward to? Why or why not?
As always, you only need to write a short paragraph that reflects your critical thinking about the article.
Once you have completed your response, choose
File→Download→Plain Text, and save the file on your
machine. The resulting file (ps4pr0.txt
) is the one that you will
submit. See the submission guidelines at the end of Part I.
20 points; pair-optional
This is one of only two problems from this assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured.
This problem asks you to write functions related to the binary
represention of integers. We will use strings consisting of '0'
and '1'
s for the binary numbers. For example, the binary representation
of the integer 5 would be the string '101'
The guidelines that we gave you for Problem Set 2, Problem 3 also apply here. In addition, you must use recursion in your solutions, and you may not use loops or list comprehensions.
Getting started
If you haven’t already done so, create a folder named ps4
for your work on this assignment. You can find instructions for
doing so here.
In Spyder, open a new editor window using File -> New File,
and save it to your ps4
folder using the name
The functions
Write a function dec_to_bin(n)
that takes a non-negative integer
and uses recursion to convert it from decimal to
binary – constructing and returning a string version of the
binary representation of that number. For example:
>>> dec_to_bin(5) result: '101' >>> dec_to_bin(12) result: '1100' >>> dec_to_bin(0) result: '0'
The function must use the recursive, right-to-left approach that we discussed in the lecture on binary numbers.
You will need two base cases.
Make sure that all return
statements return a string and not
an integer.
In lecture, we gave you an example of how the function should recursively process a number. You should use that example and other concrete cases to determine the appropriate logic for the recursive case.
In addition to the test cases provided above, make sure to try other test cases to ensure that your function works correctly in all cases!
Write a function bin_to_dec(b)
that takes a string b
represents a binary number and uses recursion to convert
the number from binary to decimal, returning the resulting integer.
For example:
>>> bin_to_dec('101') result: 5 >>> bin_to_dec('1100') result: 12 >>> bin_to_dec('0') result: 0
The function must use the recursive, right-to-left approach that we discussed in the lecture on binary numbers.
You will again need two base cases. You may assume
that the string passed in for b
will never be empty.
Make sure that all return
statements return an integer and not
a string.
In lecture, we gave you an example of how the function should recursively process a string. You should use that example and other concrete cases to determine the appropriate logic for your recursive case.
In addition to the test cases provided above, make sure to try other test cases to ensure that your function works correctly in all cases!
20 points; pair-optional
This is one of only two problems from this assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured.
In Spyder, open a new editor window for your program, and save it
to your ps4
folder using the name
The guidelines that we gave you for Problem Set 2, Problem 3 also apply here.
Make sure that you put your
file in the same folder
as your
Include the following two lines at the top of the file, after your initial comments:
from ps4pr1 import bin_to_dec from ps4pr1 import dec_to_bin
Doing so will allow you to use the dec_to_bin()
functions that you wrote for Problem 1,
provided that your
file is in the same folder as
If you re-run your file after making changes to it, you will see the message “Reloaded modules: ps4pr1” in the console. That is to be expected and is not a problem.
Write a function mul_bin(b1, b2)
that takes as inputs two
strings b1
and b2
that represent binary numbers. The function
should multiply the numbers and return the result in the
form of a string that represents a binary number. For example:
>>> mul_bin('11', '10') # 3 * 2 = 6 result: '110' >>> mul_bin('1001', '101') # 9 * 5 = 45 result: '101101'
In this function, you should not use recursion or
perform any binary arithmetic. Rather, you should make use of the
conversion functions that you wrote for Problem 1. If you included
the line mentioned above to import your code from
you should be able to call your dec_to_bin
and bin_to_dec
functions from within this function. Convert both b1
and b2
decimal, multiply the resulting decimal numbers, and then convert the
resulting product back to binary! Here is the pseudocode:
n1 = the decimal value of the input string b1 (use one of your conversion functions!) n2 = the decimal value of the input string b2 (use that function again!) b = the binary value of (n1 * n2) (use your other function!) return b
Write a function largest_bin(binvals)
that takes a list
of 1 or more strings – each of which represents a
binary number – and that finds and returns the
string in binvals
that represents the largest binary number.
For example:
>>> largest_bin(['1100', '10011', '101', '10000']) result: '10011'
The above call returns '10011'
because the binary number
has the largest value of any of the binary numbers in the
Your function must make use of one of the conversion functions that you wrote for Problem 1. In addition, we encourage you to use the list-of-lists technique that we covered in lecture and used in Problem Set 3, but you may use recursion instead if you prefer.
Important: You should submit a plain-text file for Problem 0, not a PDF. See Step 1 below as needed.
Submit all three of your files for Part I under the assignment labeled PS 4: Problems 0-2 using these steps:
If you still need to create a text file for Problem 0, open
your file on Google Drive, choose File->Download->Plain Text,
and save the file in your ps4
Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments. You should see a pop-up window with a box labeled DRAG & DROP. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.)
Add your files to the box labeled DRAG & DROP. You can either drag and drop the files from their folder into the box, or you can click on the box itself and browse for the files.
Click the Upload button.
You should see a box saying that your submission was successful.
Click the (x)
button to close that box.
The Autograder will perform some tests on your files. Once it is done, check the results to ensure that the tests were passed. If one or more of the tests did not pass, the name of that test will be in red, and there should be a message describing the failure. Based on those messages, make any necessary changes. Feel free to ask a staff member for help.
Note: You will not see a complete Autograder score when you submit. That is because additional tests for at least some of the problems will be run later, after the final deadline for the submission has passed. For such problems, it is important to realize that passing all of the initial tests does not necessarily mean that you will ultimately get full credit on the problem. You should always run your own tests to convince yourself that the logic of your solutions is correct.
If needed, use the Resubmit button at the bottom of the page to resubmit your work. Important: Every time that you make a submission, you should submit all of the files for that Gradescope assignment, even if some of them have not changed since your last submission.
Near the top of the page, click on the box labeled Code. Then click on the name of each file to view its contents. Check to make sure that the files contain the code that you want us to grade.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct version of every file is on Gradescope before the final deadline. We will not accept any file after the submission window for a given assignment has closed, so please check your submissions carefully using the steps outlined above.
If you are unable to access Gradescope and there is enough
time to do so, wait an hour or two and then try again. If you
are unable to submit and it is close to the deadline, email
your homework before the deadline to
30 points; individual-only
This problem asks you to write functions that process one or more binary numbers represented as bitstrings – i.e., as strings of 0s and 1s.
In Spyder, open a new editor window for your program, and save it
to your ps4
folder using the name
The guidelines that we gave you for Problem Set 2, Problem 3 also apply here.
Write a function count_evens_rec(binvals)
that takes a list
of 0 or more strings – each of which represents a
binary number – and that uses recursion to compute and
return the number of the bitstrings in the list that
represent an even number. For example:
>>> count_evens_rec(['1100', '10011', '101', '010']) result: 2
The above call returns 2 because two of the bitstrings
in the list ('1100'
and '010'
) represent even numbers.
This version of the function must use recursion and it may not use a list comprehension.
Hint: Although you could in theory use one of your base-conversion functions as part of your solution, it isn’t necessary to do so. Rather, you should be able to easily determine if a bitstring represents an even number by checking one of the bits in the string.
Write a function count_evens_lc(binvals)
that takes a list
of 0 or more strings – each of which represents a
binary number – and that uses a list comprehension to
compute and return the number of bitstrings in the list that
represent an even number. In other words, this function should do
the same thing as the previous function, but it must use a list
comprehension instead of recursion. For example:
>>> count_evens_lc(['1100', '10011', '101', '010']) result: 2
This version of the function must use a list comprehension and it may not use recursion.
Write a function called add_bitwise(b1, b2)
that adds
two binary numbers. This function must use recursion to
perform the bitwise, “elementary-school” addition algorithm that we
discussed in lecture, and it should return the result.
It must not perform any base conversions.
Your function should add one pair of bits at a time, working from
right to left and including any necessary “carry” bits, as discussed
in lecture. For example, when adding 101110
and 100111
, you end
up with 3 carry bits, as shown in blue below:
Base cases: Because the function will be called recursively
on smaller and smaller strings, you will eventually get down
to an empty string for one or both of the inputs. If either
of the strings (b1
or b2
) is the empty string, your function
should return the other string.
Handling cases that require a carry bit can be the most difficult part of this problem. The trick is to call the function recursively a second time to add in the carry bit! We discussed this in lecture.
Here are some test cases:
>>> add_bitwise('11', '100') result: '111' >>> add_bitwise('11', '1') result: '100' >>> add_bitwise('', '101') result: '101' >>> add_bitwise('11100', '11110') result: '111010'
Make sure to try other test cases to ensure that your function works correctly in all cases!
Login to Gradescope by clicking the link in the left-hand navigation bar, and click on the box for CS 111.
Submit your
file under the assignment labeled PS 4:
Problem 3 using these steps:
Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments. You should see a pop-up window with a box labeled DRAG & DROP. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.)
Add your file to the box labeled DRAG & DROP. You can either drag and drop the file from its folder into the box, or you can click on the box itself and browse for the file.
Click the Upload button.
You should see a box saying that your submission was successful.
Click the (x)
button to close that box.
The Autograder will perform some tests on your file. Once it is done, check the results to ensure that the tests were passed. If one or more of the tests did not pass, the name of that test will be in red, and there should be a message describing the failure. Based on those messages, make any necessary changes. Feel free to ask a staff member for help.
Note: You will not see a complete Autograder score when you submit. That is because additional tests for at least some of the problems will be run later, after the final deadline for the submission has passed. For such problems, it is important to realize that passing all of the initial tests does not necessarily mean that you will ultimately get full credit on the problem. You should always run your own tests to convince yourself that the logic of your solutions is correct.
If needed, use the Resubmit button at the bottom of the page to resubmit your work.
Near the top of the page, click on the box labeled Code. Then click on the name of your file to view its contents. Check to make sure that the file contains the code that you want us to grade.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct version of every file is on Gradescope before the final deadline. We will not accept any file after the submission window for a given assignment has closed, so please check your submissions carefully using the steps outlined above.
If you are unable to access Gradescope and there is enough
time to do so, wait an hour or two and then try again. If you
are unable to submit and it is close to the deadline, email
your homework before the deadline to
Last updated on October 8, 2024.